Myself John Hague [Shrike Birding Tours] and Dave Gray - not the singer..... although he is also into birdwatching, went on a day trip to Crowlas in Cornwall.
We were going for a rare bird to our shores in the shape of a Booted Eagle [Hieraaetus pennatus] thought to be from Eastern or Southern Europe. We set off at 3.00am and after a uneventful journey we were on site early morning. It was being seen from a layby on the main A30, we did try from here but you were looking into the early morning sun. so we decided to go to another spot where it was being seen from, a railway bridge on the A394. After three quarters of an hour, news came that the bird had been seen from the A30 so we started walking back to the car stopping to check out a raptor sitting on a hedgerow; after a disscusion, it was agreed that it was a Common Buzzard. All of a sudden out of nowhere, a raptor was flying towards us; puttting up our binnochulars there it was - the Booted Eagle flying right above our heads, tick.
We then headed for Marazion for a few birds to add to our year list, birds of note were 3 Divers, Pacific, Black-throated and Great Northern a lone Velvet Scoter and Rock Pipit. Dave also picked up a pod of about 10 Bottled-nosed Dolphins
A quick visit to Penzance to add Purple Sanpiper to the list.
Black Redstart
We finished our little tour of Cornwall at Senen Cove, as a Bonaparte's Gull had been frequenting the bay, but sadly not while we were there. We did tick off Black Redstart feeding on the beach and bizzarely, Chough that were feeding from a bird table! A Mediterranean Gull was picked up by Dave on the sea not far from the beach and also a Peregrine high above the cliff top
As always thanks for stopping by.
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